Modularity shouldn’t increase complexity

The cryptocurrency and web3 landscape is undergoing rapid growth, leading to a highly fragmented ecosystem of diverse blockchains and decentralized applications (dApps). This fragmentation poses significant challenges for mainstream adoption and seamless interaction across different platforms. Efforts are underway to address these challenges through modular solutions, such as Syndicate's flexible architecture and Integral's financial operations unification. These initiatives aim to streamline the web3 experience, fostering a more cohesive and accessible digital economy.

James Patrick Dempsey


Updated on

May 10, 2024

James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

May 10, 2024

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Syndicate is building infrastructure to power the next wave of onchain platforms and products that reach mainstream scale.

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Syndicate is building infrastructure to power the next wave of onchain platforms and products that reach mainstream scale.


  • The rapid growth of the web3 ecosystem has led to significant fragmentation, with a diverse mix of blockchains, protocols, and decentralized applications (dApps) that complicate user experiences and hinder mainstream adoption.

  • Solutions like Syndicate and Integral are addressing this by providing modular infrastructures that simplify web3 development and financial management, aiming to create a more unified and accessible ecosystem.

  • These efforts seek to balance the benefits of modularity with the challenges of fragmentation, promoting greater integration and efficiency within the web3 space.

Crypto may be exploding but the resulting landscape is fragmented.

The world of cryptocurrency and web3 technologies has been experiencing explosive growth in recent years. The emergence of platforms like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and countless decentralized applications (dApps) has ushered in a new era of decentralized finance, digital ownership, and the promise of a more equitable internet.

However, this rapid expansion has also led to a highly fragmented ecosystem. The web3 landscape is now characterized by a mix of blockchains, protocols, and dApps, each with its own unique features, standards, and requirements. This fragmentation poses significant challenges for mainstream adoption and seamless user experiences.

Blockchain-Level Fragmentation

At the core of the web3 ecosystem are the various blockchain platforms that serve as the foundation for decentralized applications and services. Platforms like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polkadot, Cardano, and Solana have each carved out their own niches, offering different features, consensus mechanisms, and levels of scalability.

This blockchain-level fragmentation creates a disconnected landscape, making it difficult for users and developers to interact cohesively across the broader web3 ecosystem. Each blockchain has its own set of rules, tools, and infrastructure, requiring users to navigate a complex web of different interfaces, wallets, and transaction processes.

Explosion of Decentralized Applications (dApps)

In addition to the fragmentation at the blockchain level, the web3 space has also seen an explosion of decentralized applications (dApps). These dApps, built on top of various blockchain platforms, offer a wide range of functionalities, from decentralized finance (DeFi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and beyond.

Each dApp operates with its own unique interfaces, features, and requirements, creating a highly dispersed application landscape. This makes it challenging for users to discover, compare, and efficiently utilize the various dApps available, as there is no unified platform or "app store" for web3.

Fragmentation of User Identities and Data

The decentralized and self-sovereign nature of web3 has also led to fragmentation in how user identities and data are managed. Users often have multiple wallets and accounts across different blockchains and dApps, making it difficult to consolidate and analyze user behavior and preferences.

This "multiple identities" problem hinders the ability to provide personalized experiences and accurate analytics in the web3 space. It also creates challenges for businesses and service providers trying to understand and cater to their web3 customers.

Fragmentation is not the same as modularity and has real cost.

It's important to note that modularity and fragmentation are not the same thing. Modularity, a key principle in web3 design, refers to the ability to break down complex systems into smaller, interchangeable components. This modular approach can promote flexibility, scalability, and innovation.

However, the current state of the web3 ecosystem suggests that the pursuit of modularity has, in some cases, led to increased complexity and fragmentation. The proliferation of blockchains, protocols, and dApps has created a web3 landscape that is highly dispersed and disconnected, making it challenging for users and developers to navigate and interact seamlessly.

The fragmented nature of the web3 ecosystem comes with significant costs and challenges:

Barriers to Mainstream Adoption

The technical complexity and lack of a unified user experience can be daunting for casual users, deterring them from engaging with web3 technologies. This, in turn, limits the potential for web3 to reach a broader audience and achieve its goal of democratizing the internet.

Hindered Innovation and Collaboration

The fragmented nature of web3 also poses challenges for developers and innovators. The need to navigate multiple blockchains, protocols, and standards diverts developer attention away from building compelling applications and services. Additionally, the lack of interoperability limits the potential for cross-chain collaboration and the creation of more integrated web3 ecosystems.

Regulatory Uncertainty

The fragmented landscape of web3 also contributes to regulatory uncertainty. Policymakers and regulators struggle to keep pace with the rapid evolution of the space, leading to a patchwork of rules and guidelines that vary across different jurisdictions. This regulatory fragmentation can create compliance challenges for web3 businesses and users.

Addressing Fragmentation through Modularity

To address the paradox of modularity leading to increased complexity, the web3 ecosystem needs solutions that can harness the benefits of modularity without adding unnecessary fragmentation. 

Syndicate: Modular and Extensible Architecture

Syndicate's smart contract architecture is designed to be modular and extensible, allowing developers to easily customize and upgrade their on-chain experiences over time. This helps address the lack of flexibility and modularity in existing web3 infrastructure, which often forces developers to undertake costly smart contract migrations.

Syndicate also provides a suite of tools and APIs that abstract away the complexity of managing web3 infrastructure, such as transaction handling, wallet management, and gas optimization. This simplifies the web3 development process, enabling developers to focus more on building exceptional user experiences.

Additionally, Syndicate's infrastructure is designed to enable cross-chain interoperability and high-throughput transaction processing, which can help address the scalability issues that have contributed to web3 fragmentation.

Integral: Unifying Financial Operations

Integral provides a comprehensive solution for web3 businesses to automate bookkeeping, streamline accounting, and gain real-time treasury insights. By unifying the financial data and operations that are often fragmented across different platforms and tools, Integral helps web3 businesses operate more efficiently and effectively. The platform has helped companies like dYdX significantly improve their accounting close process, reducing it from months to just 2-3 business days.

Integral also serves as a bridge between traditional web2 accounting practices and the unique requirements of web3 financial management, helping to reduce the fragmentation between the two ecosystems.


A Less Fragmented Future

The web3 ecosystem is undoubtedly experiencing explosive growth, but this rapid expansion has also led to a highly fragmented landscape. While modularity is a key principle in web3 design, the current state of the ecosystem suggests that this modularity has, in some cases, led to increased complexity and fragmentation.

To address this challenge, the web3 space needs solutions that can harness the benefits of modularity without adding unnecessary complexity. Companies like Syndicat  and Integral are offering modular approaches that aim to simplify the development and deployment of web3 products, potentially paving the way for a more unified and accessible web3 ecosystem.

As the web3 space continues to evolve, it will be crucial for the industry to strike the right balance between modularity and fragmentation, ensuring that the benefits of decentralization and innovation are not overshadowed by the costs of a highly dispersed and disconnected landscape.

James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

May 10, 2024

In Partnership with


Syndicate is building infrastructure to power the next wave of onchain platforms and products that reach mainstream scale.

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See how Integral can help you manage all of your financial data and operations in one place and scale your business with confidence.

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See how Integral can help you manage all of your financial data and operations in one place and scale your business with confidence.

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See how Integral can help you manage all of your financial data and operations in one place and scale your business with confidence.