The Fjord Upgrade: Optimizing the OP Superchain

The Fjord upgrade, set for July 10, 2024, aims to significantly improve the OP Superchain's efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

Jul 10, 2024

James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

Jul 10, 2024

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  • The Fjord upgrade, set for July 10, 2024, aims to significantly improve the OP Superchain's efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

  • Key features include RIP-7212 implementation (reducing smart wallet gas costs by up to 20x), Brotli compression (lowering data costs by 5-15%), and FastLZ gas pricing improvements.

  • The upgrade requires node operators and developers to update their software, and introduces changes to L1 gas cost calculations and protocol parameters.

What is The Fjord Upgrade?

The Optimism (OP) Superchain is set to receive a significant upgrade called Fjord, scheduled for activation on July 10, 2024. This upgrade brings several improvements to enhance the network's efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and functionality. Let's delve into the key features and implications of the Fjord upgrade for the OP Superchain ecosystem.

What will the Fjord Upgrade Change?

RIP-7212 Implementation

One of the most notable changes in the Fjord upgrade is the implementation of RIP-7212. This introduces a precompile for secp256r1 curve support, which is expected to dramatically reduce gas costs for many smart wallet applications. In fact, these applications could see their gas costs decrease by up to 20 times, making transactions significantly more affordable for users.

Brotli Channel Compression

The Fjord upgrade introduces Brotli as a new compression option for data channels. This improvement is anticipated to lower data availability costs by approximately 5-15%. By reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored and transmitted, the network can operate more efficiently and cost-effectively.

FastLZ Gas Pricing

Fjord brings changes to L1 fee cost calculations, including an upgraded GasPriceOracle L2 predeploy. This new system computes fees more efficiently, potentially leading to more predictable and optimized gas costs for users.

Protocol Parameter Changes

Several protocol parameters are being adjusted in the Fjord upgrade:

  1. The maximum sequencer drift has been increased to 1800 seconds, giving chain operators more time to respond to L1 node issues without risking a potential L2 chain halt.

  2. There's a 10x increase in values for MAX_RLP_BYTES_PER_CHANNEL and MAX_CHANNEL_BANK_SIZE, allowing for more data to be processed in each channel.

  3. The maximum block gas limit has been raised, potentially allowing for more transactions to be included in each block.

L1 Gas Cost Changes

The Fjord upgrade introduces new functionalities and deprecates some existing ones related to L1 gas costs:

  1. A new function called getL1FeeUpperBound has been added to the GasPriceOracle. This function allows for calculating an upper bound for the maximum fee of a new transaction, providing users with better cost estimates.

  2. The getL1GasUsed method and the L1GasUsed field in transaction receipts are being deprecated. This change is part of the ongoing efforts to streamline and optimize gas calculations.

Implications for Node Operators and Developers

The Fjord upgrade requires action from various stakeholders in the OP Superchain ecosystem:

  1. Node operators will need to update their software to ensure compatibility with the new changes. This includes updating both the op-node and op-geth components.

  2. Chain operators will need to upgrade their chain and configure the sequencer for Fjord. This includes preparing a SystemConfig transaction to update fee scalars.

  3. Developers should be aware of the new features and deprecations, particularly those related to gas calculations and smart wallet optimizations.


James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

Jul 10, 2024

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