Transforming Financial Workflows: Integral as a Financial Management System

Integral is improving on financial management for businesses involved with digital assets by providing a platform that simplifies and streamlines crypto-specific financial operations. The platform is set to expand its services, aiming to facilitate broader financial management tasks and foster seamless integration of crypto into mainstream business practices.

James Patrick Dempsey


Updated on

Apr 22, 2024

James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

Apr 22, 2024

In Partnership with

In Partnership with

The Delphi Podcast

Conversations with Crypto Gigabrains. Hosted by Tommy, Co-Founder and Founding Partner at Delphi Ventures

In Partnership with

In Partnership with

The Delphi Podcast

Conversations with Crypto Gigabrains. Hosted by Tommy, Co-Founder and Founding Partner at Delphi Ventures


  • Integral has built a financial management system for businesses dealing with digital assets, aiming to streamline complex financial operations specific to the crypto industry, similar to how QuickBooks serves traditional businesses.

  • Key insights from a podcast with Integral's co-founder and industry experts highlight Integral's role in simplifying crypto accounting, making it indispensable for enhancing financial workflows and allowing businesses to focus more on growth and strategic activities.

  • The future of Integral involves expanding its services beyond accounting to broader financial management roles, reflecting a trend towards seamless integration of crypto in business practices, which could standardize and democratize financial operations across industries.

The Genesis and Vision of Integral

The podcast opened with Gui sharing the origins of Integral and its mission. With a background in building products and a significant stint in the crypto industry, Gui identified a critical gap in the market: the need for a robust financial operations platform tailored to the unique challenges of crypto businesses. Integral was conceived to fill this gap, aiming to simplify and streamline financial workflows, much like QuickBooks does for traditional businesses, but with a focus on the intricacies of crypto rails.

Gui’s vision for Integral is expansive – a service that supports not just startups with their financial health but also scales up to public companies and VC firms. The core of the product is an engineered ledger with applications that simplify financial operations, making it an indispensable tool for anyone operating with Web3 assets.

Industry Perspectives

Tommy from Delphi Ventures shared his practical experiences with Integral, highlighting its critical role in simplifying crypto accounting. He stressed that Integral frees up significant time for his operations and finance team, allowing them to focus more on deals, co-work, and other value-added activities. According to Tommy, businesses not using Integral are essentially doing their crypto accounting on "hard mode."

Avichal Garg provided additional insights, comparing the ongoing integration of crypto into business operations to the evolution of mobile technologies. He predicts that just as companies today no longer prefix their pitches with "mobile app," crypto will soon be seamlessly integrated into business infrastructures without it being a focal point. Avichal’s endorsement underpins the growing belief that crypto infrastructure, despite its complexities, offers a superior framework for certain types of financial transactions and business models.

The Important Impact of Crypto Accounting Tools

One of the key discussions in the podcast revolved around the impact of crypto accounting tools like Integral on business operations. Gui pointed out that crypto companies often deal with challenges such as managing complex money flows, complicated networks of accounts receivable and handling transactions across global teams and multiple asset classes. Integral’s platform addresses these issues by providing real-time access to financial data, which is crucial for making informed business decisions.

Moreover, the conversation touched upon how Integral is not just a tool for simplifying existing processes but is also a driver for business innovation. By reducing the time and resources spent on financial management, companies can allocate more effort towards growth and strategic initiatives.


Looking Forwards Towards Expansion

Looking ahead, Gui discussed the potential for Integral to expand beyond accounting into broader financial management roles. The platform aims to facilitate all workflows related to financial operations, potentially becoming a multiplayer platform where different teams within a company can collaborate more effectively.

This vision for Integral resonates with the broader trends in the industry where financial technology is increasingly about integration and ease of use, rather than just serving as a digital general ledger or accounting software.

The Broader Crypto and Business Landscape

Avichal’s commentary during the podcast also shed light on the broader implications of crypto for the business world. He likened the current phase of crypto integration to historical shifts in business and technology infrastructure, suggesting that we are on the cusp of a new era where crypto-native companies might become the norm.

He also highlighted the potential for these technologies to democratize financial operations, making it easier for small businesses and startups to compete on a global scale without the heavy infrastructure traditionally required.


The insights from the podcast with Integral and Electric Capital underscore a pivotal shift in business technology. As companies increasingly turn to digital assets and blockchain technology, tools like Integral are not just facilitators but also enablers of a new financial paradigm.

For businesses engaged in crypto, adopting platforms like Integral isn't just about simplifying accounting practices—it's about embracing a future where financial operations are seamless, integrated, and more aligned with the fast-paced, global nature of modern business. This transformation, powered by financial management software like Integral, is set to redefine the landscape of business finance operations, paving the way for innovative approaches to value creation and management in the digital age.

Listen to the Podcast

Subscribe to The Delphi Podcast, and listen to the whole episode.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Integral and how does it help businesses manage digital assets?

Integral is a financial management system designed specifically for companies engaged in the crypto space. It aims to simplify and streamline financial workflows, much like QuickBooks does for traditional businesses, but with a focus on the unique challenges posed by digital assets. The system includes an engineered ledger and applications that enhance the efficiency of financial operations for crypto-related activities.

Who can benefit from using Integral's platform?

Integral's platform is beneficial for a wide range of entities, from startups to public companies and venture capital firms. It is particularly useful for any business that manages complex money flows, deals with multiple asset classes, or operates across global teams. Integral helps these companies by providing real-time access to financial data, simplifying crypto accounting, and freeing up resources to focus on strategic initiatives.

What future developments are planned for Integral?

Looking ahead, Integral plans to expand its functionalities beyond basic accounting into broader financial management roles. The vision includes developing Integral into a multiplayer platform where different teams within a company can collaborate more effectively. This expansion is aligned with broader industry trends emphasizing ease of use and integration in financial technology, aiming to make financial operations more seamless and integrated within business infrastructures.

James Patrick Dempsey

Updated on

Apr 22, 2024

In Partnership with

The Delphi Podcast

Conversations with Crypto Gigabrains. Hosted by Tommy, Co-Founder and Founding Partner at Delphi Ventures

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See how Integral can help you manage all of your financial data and operations in one place and scale your business with confidence.

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See how Integral can help you manage all of your financial data and operations in one place and scale your business with confidence.

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See how Integral can help you manage all of your financial data and operations in one place and scale your business with confidence.