How Mojito upgraded their crypto accounting stack with Integral

Mojito is a leading web3 consumer engagement platform for brands. Integral has empowered Mojito to efficiently manage its complex financial infrastructure, marking a significant leap in operational efficiency and data accuracy.



Customer Engagement

Customer Engagement

Products used





Real-time treasury

Real-time treasury



✦ 12 hours saved from manual bookkeping

✦ Real-time treasury view across all assets

✦ Reduction in data entry reconciliation errors

✦ 12 hours saved from manual bookkeping

✦ Real-time treasury view across all assets

✦ Reduction in data entry reconciliation errors

✦ 12 hours saved from manual bookkeping

✦ Real-time treasury view across all assets

✦ Reduction in data entry reconciliation errors


As Mojito’s business evolved and expanded, the company’s financial operations needed to keep pace with these rapidly growing business needs. Along with increasing transaction complexity, this shift towards greater on-chain activity and presence meant that the initial reliance on intricate spreadsheets needed to similarly evolve and eventually give way to a more streamlined, and integrated approach, where tens of thousands of transactions could be organized and whose solution could continue to scale with the business.

This prompted a proactive search for a financial operations tool capable of offering a more comprehensive view of Mojito’s on-chain activity, a more efficient reporting system, and real-time insights – all of which are crucial for strategic decision making in the fast paced world of web3.


The adoption of Integral in Mojito’s financial infrastructure became the lynchpin in addressing many of these challenges. Right from the start, Integral’s user-friendly and efficient syncing process made a huge impact. Using Mojito’s previous system, the initial setup of syncing over 20,000+ transactions took between 20-30 hours. Using Integral, there was significant time saved during the initial setup, due to the platform’s capability to seamlessly integrate blockchain transaction data with Mojito’s general ledger.

Moreover, Integral’s real-time data and reporting dashboard provided Mojito with a comprehensive and accurate view of the company’s finances. This enabled more strategic decision-making and enhanced operations efficiency, saving him more time to focus on what’s important: building.

“I think the biggest thing that convinced me to make the switch to Integral, is that you guys made it super easy to integrate with.”

- Justin Ho, CFO at Mojito

Overall, the transition was smooth, intuitive, and the process into a streamlined and reliable financial operations system.


The implementation of Integral into Mojito’s financial infrastructure led to outstanding improvements. Mojito experienced a drastic reduction in the time spent on syncing and organizing transactions, saving 12 hours a month that were previously spent on manual data entry and troubleshooting. The accuracy and reliability of the available data improved, boosting confidence in decision making at every level of the organization.

“I do honestly think the integral team just has a better understanding of the issues in this space."

- Justin Ho, CFO at Mojito

Why Mojito continues to partner with Integral

  1. Efficient Transaction Management: Integral simplifies the complexity of blockchain transactions, offering a seamless experience in managing vast volumes of data, and syncing them with an existing ERP system.

  2. Real-Time Financial Oversight: Gain critical insights with real-time financial reporting, crucial for the dynamic and fast-paced operations of a web3 business.

  3. Customer-Centric Approach: Integral’s commitment to understanding and adapting to the unique challenges of the crypto industry makes it a trusted partner for companies like Mojito.

Learn more about Integral for web3 companies

Ditch the spreadsheets and streamline your financial operations.

Learn more about Integral for web3 companies

Ditch the spreadsheets and streamline your financial operations.

Learn more about Integral for web3 companies

Ditch the spreadsheets and streamline your financial operations.

Efficient Transaction Management

Easy configuration allows your to automatically classify over 90% of your transactions, spam filters decrease noise.

Efficient Transaction Management

Easy configuration allows your to automatically classify over 90% of your transactions, spam filters decrease noise.

Efficient Transaction Management

Easy configuration allows your to automatically classify over 90% of your transactions, spam filters decrease noise.

Legible Data

Rules, spam filtering, unified ledger, legible API and user interface, and more, all built for web3 first.

Legible Data

Rules, spam filtering, unified ledger, legible API and user interface, and more, all built for web3 first.

Legible Data

Rules, spam filtering, unified ledger, legible API and user interface, and more, all built for web3 first.

Real-Time Financial Oversight

Ditch the spreadsheets. Get a real-time picture of your web3 assets across exchanges, wallets, safes, and custodians.

Real-Time Financial Oversight

Ditch the spreadsheets. Get a real-time picture of your web3 assets across exchanges, wallets, safes, and custodians.

Real-Time Financial Oversight

Ditch the spreadsheets. Get a real-time picture of your web3 assets across exchanges, wallets, safes, and custodians.

Streamlined Taxes

Automatically calculate gains and losses across tokens & instruments, even ones with compounding holding periods.

Streamlined Taxes

Automatically calculate gains and losses across tokens & instruments, even ones with compounding holding periods.

Streamlined Taxes

Automatically calculate gains and losses across tokens & instruments, even ones with compounding holding periods.

Ready to get started?

Meet our team and get a demo to see how Integral can help you streamline NFT accounting and operations.

Ready to get started?

Meet our team and get a demo to see how Integral can help you streamline NFT accounting and operations.

Ready to get started?

Meet our team and get a demo to see how Integral can help you streamline NFT accounting and operations.